Saturday, June 20, 2009


I love my mom's soondoobu. Every time she cooks it, I get so happy. But there's ALWAYS one thing missing... it's not spicy! My dad, my brother, and I love to eat spicy food. But my mom is the ONLY one in our family who can't handle spicy food at all. After countless number of times of asking her to make it spicy, she acquiesces to my request, and I regretted it. This crap was one of the spiciest things I've ever eaten in my life! Needless to say, I had very intense BTS afterwards, and I am still recovering from shock.

Mom (in Korean): "See, I told you. Now you're never gonna eat spicy food like your mom right?"

touche umma...


Tuesday, June 9, 2009


Praying is so hard. I feel like my prayers these days have been so selfish. It's always about "fill me with the Holy Spirit, change me, mold me, make me more like Christ, me me me me ME." Of course I'm not saying that praying for those things are bad. I just haven't been praying for the church and the congregation, family, friends, nonbelievers, etc. I have just been concentrating on me so much.

But then we recently had a Bible study on prayer. It's not about praying for certain temporary circumstances and situations (although it is not wrong to), but it's to ultimately exalt Christ. And as I read Sarah Chong's blog on prayer, it made me think about the Lord's prayer and how perfect it is. Each sentence is filled with so much meaning. It's so straight forward.

Lastly, I loved Pastor Harold's analogy with prayer. It is like breathing. You inhale, and exhale. When you inhale, you are taking in Scripture. Then the natural response is to exhale, you pray.
