Sunday, February 21, 2010

Facebook Stalking

I just read Richard's blog, and I could not help but put my own input on the subject. :D

I realized how much humans just love to participate in voyeurism. I mean, the obsession of voyeurism was introduced to me through my film class while we were going over films by Alfred Hitchcock. Majority of his films, if not all, revolve around the theme of voyeurism. Humans just LOVE to vicariously live and experience life through others because they get the thrill of the experience, and get none of the consequences. I mean, I guess that's why we love watching movies and reading books right? We can escape reality and experience something outside of the limits of our own bodies without really experiencing all the negative consequences. Korean dramas is like the epitome of voyeurism. Fantasizing about being in that awesome relationship, yet not going through all the risks of a failed relationship in real life.

So is this what facebook stalking is all about? Or is it just that facebook stalkers just want information to gain POWER? Or maybe they just do have problems. (Like how I say they, so that I don't include myself in that category? hehehe). But yeah, I'm guilty of it, and I don't even know why I do it. Maybe Hitchcock was right.

What's awesome about this whole concept is that Christ goes beyond voyeurism. God is all-knowing. He knows what it's like to be a human being. Yet, Christ was still sent to live and experience a human life. He experienced life for Himself even when He probably had perfect knowledge of what human life is. He can perfectly empathize with us.

Ladies and gentlemen! Our God is a personal god! He knows us by our name! Amazing Love!


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