Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Fun Nightmare

The people I can recall from my dream are Pastor Harold, James Yang, Richard Chung, Yoejin, Bruce, MJ, and Christian Bale. So we were all in Korea in the summertime, chillin' in this very eerie looking white building (kind of looked like a hospital), and suddenly zombies started to chase after us! At this point, it was a pretty scary dream. That one FAT zombie from "Zombieland" was in it (the fat zombie from the supermarket). There was also this cute little zombie that was super vicious that closely resembled Sarah Chong. While they are chasing us, for some reason, the hospital turned into a big classroom. So as we were running away, we'd run and dodge desks and try to throw desks at them and such. There were a lot of doors too, but we couldn't close them. Since this was in Korea, I felt super sticky because of the humidity. And I distinctly remember MJ handing me this secret lotion that when you put it on, you smell really good AND you aren't sticky anymore.

For some odd reason, my dream jumps to me going into some lotion shop with her and buying that same lotion. It turned out to be $200, and I only had Korean money so I couldn't purchase it.

Then my dream came back to the zombie dream, and it was weird cause I realized that all of this WAS a dream. Has that ever happened to you? You realize IN your dream that it's a dream? Anyway, I decided to fight these zombies. Turns out, I was REALLY good at fighting. I think it's because right before I slept, I saw the movie "Equilibrium". That's probably why Christian Bale was in my dream. But man, I fought so well. But suddenly the cute little zombie creeped up behind me and jumped on my back and took a bite out of my left ear, and I woke up.


Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Behind the Scenes

I think one of the most beautiful things a person can do is to serve "behind the scenes" without complaining or without seeking praise for it. The humility in their service is so fruitful and sweet. Humble service can sometimes feel bitter and sour, but its fruit is sweet.

It's these individuals who challenge me the most about humility.

The best way to show that you REALLY care for someone is to pray for them without them asking you to pray for them. I can't believe how much some people love me.


Saturday, April 10, 2010


A thought-provoking statement from a nonchristian:

"I’m not a Christian. I don’t think Christ can save me, in part because I don’t think I need to be saved. But I appreciate that a lot of people—people like Coey, Patty, Garry and JT—do. They believe that I’m destined to burn in hell for all of eternity if I don’t change my beliefs. So I don’t fault them for trying to change my beliefs, even if they use guilt or fear in their attempts. I’m much more offended by those who believe I’m headed for eternal damnation but don’t do anything about it."

Taken From Dinko.


Monday, April 5, 2010

Never Judge a Book By Its Cover

Every time I walk to class either down Charles E. Young or Bruin Walk, I occasionally see this one dude riding a segway scooter thing. He's always riding that thing down the hill, and ALWAYS talking on a cellphone. I've seen him Fall and Winter quarter, and I still see him this quarter. Every time I saw that guy, I'd always judge him thinking "Wow, what a rich prick. He's so lazy. Why doesn't he just walk down like everyone else on campus!" etc. I know I know ya'll probably think I'm messed up, but you haven't heard anything yet.

So I'm walking on campus again, and I see this guy again before my class (this was like last week). "There he goes again.. thinking he's so cool on his segway." Suddenly, the guy gets off the segway, and he starts walking really strangely--sort've in like a swervy kind of motion. And then it occurred to me... he was handicapped.

Yeah. I felt pretty guilty. (and stupid.)
