Monday, August 2, 2010

Humidity and Sweat

The weather is no joke here. Every time I walk out of a subway station or bus or an air-conditioned room, it feels like I'm walking into a sauna. I've never sweat so much in my life. My brother and I play basketball at least 4-5 times a week, and every time we come back from playing our shirts are literally drenched with sweat. Since we've washed these basketball shirts so frequently, the texture of the cotton feels like I'm wearing newspapers. Yeah, it's pretty gross. Even aside from basketball, just sitting there, sitting in dry sweat, feeling all sticky, my brother has given me another nickname dubbed: Gummy Bear. It's pretty nasty after basketball when we're walking side-by-side, and our shoulders or arms make contact on accident, and it just sticks (just like two melted gummy bears).

As a result, I think I'm losing a lot of weight here. Although I may be eating pretty well, I'm doing loads of walking, basketball, and a lot of sweating. We already took a picture of my face right when I got to Korea. We shall see the before/after result.

In other news, it was very nice to see the Cambodia team. Ate at the famous "Phil's Awesome Samgyup Jip". Unfortunately, my brother didn't take any pictures and I always forget to ask him because I'm too distracted by the meat and the works.

Okay, now go listen to Se7en-Better Together. :)



ChosenCho said...

can't wait to see the before and after

maybe i shoudl go to korea and lose some weight too!

this entry made me want korean bbq though

Ricardo Chungo said...

hahahahashahhaahas. Gummy bear. hahahha. Gross. I hope you lose lots of the weights. And get a six pack.