Wednesday, September 30, 2009


Paraguay team of 2008 went over this book called "Humility True Greatness" by CJ Mahaney. It is provided and led by Pastor Harold. Every night, we simply read a chapter together and afterwards, shared our thoughts on the reading. I feel like it was during that trip where I started to truly think about Godly humility. The book talks about how pride is our greatest enemy, and humility our greatest friend.

I like CJ Mahaney's description of pride: Pride is when sinful human beings aspire to the status and position of God and refuse to acknowledge their dependence upon Him. Throughout this particular chapter, he quotes many verses talking about how much God abhors pride. His hatred for pride is pure, and His hatred is holy. He actively opposes pride. Mahaney also quotes John Calvin saying, "God cannot bear with seeing his glory appropriated by the creature in even the smallest degree, so intolerable to him is the sacrilegious arrogance of those who, by praising themselves, obscure his glory as far as they can." Basically, pride is the most difficult sin to root out, and the most hidden, secret and deceitful of all lusts. Pride kills unity, which can ultimately divide a church.

Humility is so great in a sense that it is only through Godly humility that we can even come before God and acknowledge His existence and power. It's ironic because I think it was CS Lewis who claimed that the one who tries to be humble, is the most arrogant. It's because true humility comes from God, not from oneself. You can't just "try your best" to be humble. It should be an automatic response after the Holy Spirit illuminates the Gospel in your heart.

Anyway, I've been rambling. I just wanted to say, I'm rereading this book and I'm loving it. I recommend it to all of you! :)


Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Jans Steps

Every time I came to visit UCLA, I always came with Joe Chong and a 3rd person. Today, Joe Chong and Curtis came to visit UCLA, and it felt weird how I was one of the people they came to visit. I am a UCLA student! I was thinking, "interesting... so this is how UCLA people felt when Joe and I came to visit." It was just so strange.

Throughout the day, Curtis was complaining so much about how UCLA was better than UCSD in like everything. Whether it was the dining halls, the dorms, the girls, the campus, and even the trees, Curtis just couldn't get over how awesome UCLA was. It didn't really hit me though... until we got to Jans Steps. We walked up Jans Steps, sat down and enjoyed the beautiful view. The atmosphere got dimmer as the sun set, and the view only got more and more beautiful. It was then, when I truly felt proud to be a Bruin. And then I stepped back and looked at the bigger picture. The ultimate picture. More than just the beauty of the campus, I was moved by the beauty of the vast creation before me. It was then, when I truly felt proud to be a Christian.


Thursday, September 3, 2009


I've probably rubbed it in many people's faces about how I have an awesome 4 month summer. Sure, I'm loving it. It is one of the chillest summers I've ever had in my life. It felt great coming back from Paraguay and still having 2 months left of summer. It felt great coming back from youth group retreat and still having a month of summer left. But while my human/flesh/worldly side is enjoying all of this, my spiritual side is aching right now.

I often wish school would start already, not because I want to study or anything, but because that is when my QT's are somewhat consistent. It's ironic how even though I have all this time during the summer that I rarely make time for God. Whereas when I have almost no time due to school and studying and working, that I make time for God in the mornings before all the chaos begins.

So I guess that's one way to answer the question: why does God allow suffering in this world? I am so content right now, I am so complacent with my walk, I am comfortable, life is great, and I feel like I don't need God anymore. Right when the sufferings, the hardships, the trials come in, that's when it brings us back to God in utter humility because we realize we are nothing without God and we can't do anything without Him. Haha, no wonder Apostle Paul was so faithful.

I know this is a deadly and scary request from God, and it makes my stomach churn just thinking about it. But I hope that God will cause me to suffer so that I can see and once again realize the magnitude of God's glory, grace, and power. Most likely I will experience it once I start school. Lookin' forward to it!
