Sunday, November 22, 2009


I remember back in the day when I used to live with my brother, that guy can eat really well. The funny thing is, he could eat well not only when the food was good, but even when it tasted like crap. Like, I remember times when I'd complain so much that the food tasted terribly and I would refuse to eat it. But I'd look over to my brother, dead silent and just downing his food, and after he was finished he just goes "I just eat all the nasty stuff first so I can enjoy the good stuff at the end." After hearing that, I'd watch him eat other times and be dumbfounded at how deliciously he'd eat even the "nasty stuff." His big bites, stuffed mouth, putting food in his mouth while he's still chewing, and not a single word from him. He has a gift. Cause ahjoomas HATE it when you leave leftovers you know? But no matter how nasty the food is, he'll eat everything and more importantly, make it look FREAKING good! Sometimes we'd joke that even if he were to eat crap itself, he'd still make it look super delicious.

Furthermore, there would be times when I'd be super full or have no appetite due to being sick with something, and after I would watch him eat, I'd start eating just because he made it look so good! Man, every time he ate, it looked like it was his last meal of his life (especially when it was Mexican food or In-N-Out). Man, good times.



Michelle Park said...

Awwww you meeesss your braaadddeeeerrrr

(That was gross, but I just had to say it all phonetically like that so you could imagine it.)

Phil said...

Dang, your brother sounds pretty awesome!