Monday, July 19, 2010

The Moon

As I was walking back from basketball the other day, I remember seeing the moon bright and clear. While looking at the moon, that one song from "American Tale" came to me. I think that's what the movie is called. The one with the mice. But I think there was a song about how when the two mice got separated, they'd both stare at the moon and they'd both know that both of them were staring at the moon. (That sentence sounded awkward, but dunno how else to rephrase it). So I was thinking that maybe while I was looking up at the moon, that maybe Richard Chung, or Michelle Park, or Cho Yim, or Christine CK Kim were also looking up at the moon. I only said your guys' names cause I know you guys read my blog. :D But then I realized, we're all on different time zones. Fail.

But you know what I mean right? *shrug, just an interesting thought... that even though you can be so far away from someone, that you could still be looking at the same thing at the same time.



ChosenCho said...

rofl so funny!
actually - it COULD happen still!
but one or us would probably be asleep, lol

Unknown said...

haha i always think of that too whenever i start missing friends and family. hope you're having a wonderful time in korea! lucho, sole, and i will miss you this summer. we'll eat a lot of asado in your honor :) nandejara tanderovasa!

sarah chong said...

dude. i know what song you're talking about. and i know that feeling when you're like, dang these stars are the same ones that are being seen by people across the globe. .. but not at this exact time because yeah.. like you said.. different time zones..