Monday, August 13, 2012


There are a few things these past few weeks that have made me smile:

 1. Random people have been visiting me in LA. Although living alone in the apartment is pretty nice and quiet, it can get lonely sometimes. So having unannounced guests coming to grab dinner with me and just hanging out has been a good change from my usual routine of just work, exercise, dinner, watching shows, and sleeping early.

 2. Kirk is back from Florida for good, and Snugs will be back for good tomorrow. I have missed them both dearly and am glad that they are coming back.

 3. Dinko's sermon yesterday about "tasting and seeing that the LORD is good" and "fearing who God is" really hit home. It never really occurred to me that seeing that God is good and fearing Him go hand in hand. And I think the past few months that I have been struggling have been so difficult because it was hard to taste and see that the Lord is good in those circumstances because I have not been fearing God. Even the phrase "fearing God" can be misinterpreted. We don't fear God because of what He is going to do, but we fear Him because of WHO HE IS. By knowing who He really is, our perspectives on every aspect of our lives change, and His goodness is that much more apparent.

 4. My coworker, Branson, is back from his paternity leave. It's so fun and interesting hearing all of his stories about his newborn daughter and his whole experience about being a father now. Kind of makes me excited for the future when I have a wife and go through the whole process of becoming a father too. Also, I wonder when I'm gonna be an uncle... 형??? ㅋㅋㅋ

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