Saturday, May 15, 2010

Almost Over

As the school year comes close to an end, I've begun to reflect more and more about my time here at UCLA. It all seems so fast and yet slow at the same time. I think I've become more antisocial, yet more sociable at the same time. I've grown more pessimistic, yet optimistic at the same time. I've gotten smarter, yet dumber at the same time. I am just full of contradictions aren't I?

I'm sitting here, 11:30pm, with lack of motivation to study. There are just so many things that are occupying my mind these days; everything has just become a blur in my head. So what can I do? I just need to take one step at a time, right? I think I took a big step today though.

I was watching some old 2002 FIFA WorldCup videos from my brother's blog. Multitudes of Koreans crowding the streets wearing red, deafening chants in unison, hugs, high-fives, dancing. Korea is one small country, but we are one loud nation. The clip showed the end of the match between Korean and Spain during the sudden death. For some reason, every time we made a goal and the whole nation cheered, I couldn't help but choke. Especially when our goalie stopped one of their goals, seeing a nation celebrate altogether as one brought chills down my spine. What is it about that clip that made me choke? Maybe it was because everyone was just so happy together. Maybe it's because I can identify with them just because I'm Korean. Maybe it's because it was so beautiful to see such a large body of people chanting the same thing, rejoicing over the same thing. I'm really excited for this summer.

Haha, after every entry, even when I don't mean to, somehow I can always tie it in with theology, Christianity, Christ, or anything relating to those subjects. But seriously, it just reminded me of my true identity: my identity in Christ. Just imagine. Heaven. The multitudes will be incomprehensible, the praises will be beyond deafening, the hugs, high-fives, the dancing, rejoicing, all of that as one body being united with Our God. Now THAT brings chills down my spine. I long for the day when Christ comes.


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