Monday, May 3, 2010

It's the Little Things

Warm water in the shower, a good parking spot, a smile... it's the little things that are often forgotten that help me appreciate life. Culturally we are told to be efficient, busy, and successful. So much is happening, so much to do, so many wants, so many worries, so many uncertainties, so much doubt, so many blessings. While we live with this long list of "so many's and so much's", try to just take a deep breath and reflect on the beauty of this world.

I remember I had such a huge appreciation for color after I watched Pleasantville. Especially in Southern California, the perfect sunny weather truly brings out the radiant colors of the trees, buildings, and everything else. Even something as beautiful and common as color, we so take it for granted. I know it's cliche to say we take everything for granted, but sometimes we need a little bit of it in our lives to help us remember the beauty around us that we forget so easily.

(Dedicated to those struggling out there a.k.a everyone)


1 comment:

ChosenCho said...

thanks simon
this is an awesome post

the little things truly do touch us more than we think.

pleasantville is a very good movie by the way lol