Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Blast From the Past, UA, and Adoption

These past two weeks have been pretty crazy. I've been meeting up with some old old old friends from NorCal who I haven't seen since my sophomore year of high school. One of my friends named Chris Moon came to visit. This guy was the gayest and happiest person I knew. His voice was all high and he couldn't stop smiling (hence the nickname: Joker). But now, he is a 6+ feet tall stud who goes to West Point. His voice is deep, he talks about more serious things (he used to talk about starcraft and counterstrike like all the time), but he still smiles a lot. Then today, I met up with one of my other friends named Byron Chionh. He is one of my favorite Chinese people. He was born in Australia and is crazy at basketball and tennis. I always joked about how he was half Chinese half kangaroo because he could jump so high. It's always fun to see old friends and reminisce about good ol' times.

Last night was the last KCM Upperclassmen Accountability. These were probably one of my highlights of the week, along with small group and the weekends. Especially being a transfer, it was so hard to meet KCM and other campus ministry people. But I feel like because UA was so small (roughly ranging from 7-15 people) and they were all my age group (juniors and seniors), it was so easy to interact with them. Devotions, prayer & praise, Sawtelle, games.. I'm gonna miss it all.

I particularly enjoyed the last UA (last night's). We all sat on the couches after prayer & praise, and we just chilled and talked. We talked about homeless people, adoption, abortion. This is where my whole perspective on adoption changed. I've never really been asked the question "would you adopt?" and honestly, I think before the night, I wasn't really open to it. I'm not sure, I didn't think much about it. I just wanted a "normal" family with all the comfortable luxuries. But hearing about Cho's passion for adoption, it just got me thinking. If I'm so for pro-life and against abortion, why do I feel so indifferent about adoption? In a sense, don't they go hand-in-hand? As Christians, we're all so passionate about pro-life and how cruel it is to murder a baby and our solution is usually "just give it up for adoption". But who actually adopts? I think right now, the gay community have the highest adoption rates because of obvious reasons, they can't have a baby. I don't know, all of this adoption business came all at once at me just these past two days and it got me thinking a lot about it. I mean, even before UA, I saw Blind Side the night before which also stirred some thoughts about adoption. But all I know is, there are millions of testimonies out there where adoption was a huge blessing to the family, and just looking at the Christian faith, we are all adopted as His sons and daughters. Everything about spouses, kids, and adoption points to Christ and the Father because through it, we are able to, in a way, empathize and thus, imitate His love.

I don't know if any of this made sense. But, adoption is good. God is good, always.



Unknown said...

this entry reminded me of this:

yay adoption :)

sarah chong said...

loved this entry, thanks simon for the insight!